Invisible Barriers

ONE of the secret weapons of Satan is the mis-belief that he can control or force people into sin. You have heard the statement many times-the Devil made me do it! Can Satan and his...

March 16, 2025

UNGODLY soul-ties are Satan’s invisible chains of torment. Breaking these ties is a spiritual battle, but through Jesus Christ, you have power over every bondage to walk in your God-given freedom and surround yourself with...

February 5, 2025

SALVATION is the greatest gift given to humanity through the finished work of Jesus Christ. It is the assurance of eternal life with God, granted to all who believe in Jesus and accept Him as...

January 30, 2025

MANY people experience deliverance only to find themselves relapsing into old habits or even worse conditions. Perhaps, you know of a loved one who is incapable of staying free. Their deliverance never lasted! Why is...

January 15, 2025

PASTOR Nellie’s new book Setting Our Children Free underscores why our children need deliverance. The book argues that children are affected right from conception thus deliverance is necessary for their well-being and spiritual freedom. The...

July 22, 2024

PASTOR Nellie’s new book, Access the Throne-room of God-Pray with Power and Authority, is an answered prayer probably to thousands of believers who have been frustrated times and again with no visible changes to their...

April 21, 2024

CURSES give Satan and his demons the legal right to harass and afflict our lives. We know that evil spirits are not generally free to attack or inhabit people at will or without a reason....

March 14, 2024

AS soon as people heard that Jesus was able to cast out demons, they rushed to Him! He healed the sick and expelled demons, although he was not preoccupied with evil spirits, he did not...

January 30, 2024

YOU may wonder why an altar you have raised is not speaking or fighting for you. Why is it that your prayer altar is not a gate to heaven? Pastor Nellie’s new book Altars The...

January 18, 2024

GENERALLY, deliverance refers to being rescued or freed from a difficult or challenging situation. Specifically, spiritual deliverance is the process of freeing someone from demonic oppression or possession. Spiritual deliverance involves the unseating of the...

January 7, 2024

NINETY per cent of believers seeking counselling have a financial problem. They struggle and are in lack, sometimes the problems appear to worsen after prayer. God’s children can suffer financial hindrances that make them doubt...

July 25, 2023

ARE you struggling with a particular repetitive sin, but just can’t help it? You may not overcome that habit until you tackle it with deliverance! Is it an addiction to formication, masturbation, pornography, drinking, smoking,...

June 8, 2023