How do I know am under a curse?

A CURSE create unpleasant contradictions of God’s goodness and can place one in a position where no change is desired, even though you are a Christian! It can make one to doubt if what God promises us in the Bible about living victoriously is actually true. Although a curse will not take you to hell- only […]
Why Satan attacks children

WHY does Satan attack our children so mercilessly seeking to destroy them as early as possible with all manner of attacks right from the womb? By seeking to destroy the “protective walls” around our children as early as possible Satan attempts to thwart God’s primary strategy of exerting His will on earth through godly offspring. […]
Here’s your key to complete deliverance

COULD unforgiveness be blocking your complete deliverance? Are there people who hurt, betrayed or abandoned you but you haven’t forgiven and let go? While forgiveness is one sure way of receiving the miracle of healing and deliverance, unforgiveness will work the opposite. Unforgiveness violates a foundational biblical principle, but often overlooked! When Adam and Eve […]
Breaking curses from Idolatry

GOD’s penalty for the sin of idolatry is that the children of parents found guilty will bear the brunt to the third and fourth generation. He says for this sin, He will send curses as punishment for His children and their children’s children. Deuteronomy 28:15. “However, if you do not obey the LORD your God […]