When curses overtake you

WHEN curses are overtaking you, it means they get to your destination way ahead of you and will be there waiting for you to arrive! Curses come about because of disobedience. Deuteronomy 28:15. However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all His commands and decrees I am […]
How invisible barriers block believers

INVISIBLE barriers block believers to the extent when the world looks at us, it does not see a reflection of the abundance the Bible promises. Our children get sick the same way their children get sick, our houses are locked up for rent arrears the same way their’s are, their children are sent away from […]
Is anger all bad?

DO not let the sun set on your anger! There is holy anger, and there is evil anger which is uncontrolled and leads to sin. When Jesus whipped merchants out of the temple, it was a demonstration of holy anger. He was using anger to cleanse the temple of defilement and that was a good […]
How false prophets taint deliverance ministry

DEMONS too can speak biblical truths and this has given leverage to the false prophets and ministers of today. The fact that someone is ministering and quoting from the Bible is not enough to qualify what is being taught as truly coming from God. Every Christian needs a safeguard against falsehoods coming from the charlatans […]
9 common invisible financial barriers

DID you know that money spent on evil altars or sowed in bad soil may create invisible financial barriers that block your freedom and success? It is God’s will to give us wealth and to prosper to His children. Indeed, when God created silver and gold , He created it for His children, not Satan. […]
3 reasons why demons submit

EVERY believer is called as a full-time deliverance minister. There are three reasons why demons submit during prayer and are cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of satanic strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4). Jesus said all power and […]
When witchcraft can’t touch you

ONE of Satan favourite methods to steal, kill and destroy destinies is through witchcraft. He began his attacks against us the moment we were conceived. He is filled with fury because he knows his time is limited. Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the […]
Demonic strongholds and renewal of the mind

WITHOUT Christ as Lord and Saviour you cannot win the battle against demonic strongholds. He is the living spirit that gives you power to overcome. Mathew 12:29. Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his […]
Deliverance breaks invisible barriers

DELIVERANCE helps Christians in identifying and removing the invisible barriers that have blocked many believers today from living fulfilling lives and walking in their purposes. The removal of these invisible barriers that seem to plague many Christians of good standing is what spiritual deliverance is about. These invisible barriers often leave Christians frustrated, confused or […]
Demon oppression-vs-Demon possession

TO help understand how a Christian can have a demon, we need first to explain the difference between “Demon possession” and “Demon oppression or demonization.” A believer can be oppressed by a demon or be demonized, but cannot be demon possessed. In Mark 5: 1-5, the healing of the demon possessed man of Gerasene the […]