5 people likely to cast witchcraft spells on you

5 people likely to cast witchcraft spells on you

WITCHCRAFT involves invoking evil spirits using spells to harm, manipulate an outcome or a circumstance. Anyone involved in witchcraft is an employee of the devil. In this post, we at a look at five people who are likely to cast spells or use witchcraft on you! Satan hates human beings because they replaced him in […]

Curses touch Christians and non-Christians alike

BBI founder Pastor Nellie ministering in DRC Congo in July 2022. She taught on spiritual deliverance.

Many Christians have been fighting problems that did not originate with them! When you have prayed, fasted and done everything you know how to do right, but no matter what you do, nothing is changing there is a cause as to where the problem is coming from. Are there certain areas in your life that […]

Generational curses betray your roots

THE Church, unfortunately, has rejected knowledge on how generational curses can affect Christians. For rejection of knowledge, God says there is a price to pay. Hosea 4:6 tells us, “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge: Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law […]

3 limiting beliefs about wealth

GOD’s will is that you should be rich, however wrong beliefs about wealth can easily become stumbling blocks on your road to prosperity. God in His great wisdom has given man the ability to create wealth and has made provisions for his prosperity here on earth. His promises of prosperity were not only given to […]

Why deliverance sometimes ‘fails’

ARE there times when demons refuse to leave and deliverance sometimes seems to fail? Yes, when certain conditions are not met by the seeker or minister. The biblical account of Mathew and Mark in the New Testament  when Jesus’ disciples are unable to cast out a violent spirit that had possessed a boy from his […]

Generation to generation: Don’t pass it on

WHAT has existed in a family blood-line as an invisible barrier can be passed on from generation to generation until it is identified and broken. Since fathers carry the seed of generations, it is  important to consider what was passed on and what we ourselves are  passing on to future generations. A family unit is […]

5 things to know about being set free

DO you feel you are blocked by invisible barriers that keep you from going forward? If yes, then seek help and be prayed for so you can be set free. Deliverance will help you live victoriously by identifying and removing the invisible barriers that hinder you from enjoying the fullness of  what Christ purchased for […]

How to identify spiritual attacks

SATAN and his demons take advantage of what we go through in life to launch spiritual attacks especially if it broke our walls of protection. According to Ecclesiastes 10:8 Whoever digs a pit may fall into it; whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake. When the snake, the old serpent or […]