Trust God in 2025-CEO

AS we start 2025, I pray that you would shed off the “garment” that you wore last year. For some, that garment came with victory and goodwill. However, the biggest enemy of your victory this coming year, is clinging to the victory of 2024. Let go of the victories of last year because there are […]
Book Review: Courts of Heaven

THE latest addition to pastor Nellie’s Spiritual Warfare Series Vol. 13 offers readers deep insights into the concept of spiritual warfare from a judicial perspective in the “courts of heaven.” Courts of Heaven: Favour Before the Righteous Judge explores how believers can seek divine intervention in their lives through a heavenly courtroom. The author presents […]
Pst Nellie unveils BBI Solomon project

IN a significant move toward enhancing its mission and expanding its operations, BBI has unveiled a bold vision called the BBI Solomon Project which aims for the purchase of a building in Nairobi, Kenya. BBI has continued to be pillar in the ministry of deliverance and is now looking to solidify its base by investing […]
Why our children need deliverance

PASTOR Nellie’s new book Setting Our Children Free underscores the need for spiritual deliverance for all children. The book argues that children are affected right from conception thus deliverance is necessary for their well-being and spiritual freedom. The author says children are part of God’s grand plan to establish his rulership on earth and that […]
Season ends, another begins

A SEASON has ended and a new one is starting. In the new season BBI migrates completely to an on-line ministry. “We have seen a need to migrate completely to an online platform. We will resume monthly teachings on Zoom and also conduct all our deliverance sessions on-line,” BBI founder and CEO, pastor Nellie told […]
BBI at Men Awake launch

BBI ministry team led by pastor Nellie was invited at the launch of Men Awake, a ministry seeking to create a safe space for men’s emotional healing and spiritual re-birth. Pastor Nellie was part of a three-bench panel at the PBB Temple in Nairobi on April 6 2024 where the event was hosted. The panelists […]
Q & A with BBI School of Ministry director, Irene Mbithe

Q: Please introduce yourself and tell us more about BBI School of Ministry course load, how you have performed..? A: My name is Irene Mbithe, I am in charge of the BBI School of Ministry. I lead the trainers in developing, testing and, rolling out deliverance training. We do all this through the Holy Spirit […]
Dawn of a new season as BBI migrates

THE book of Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time and a season for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie Shani has announced the changes coming to BBI in the new season. She was addressing BBI members […]
CEO on generational barriers

BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie made a compelling appearance on a popular local radio show during a live broadcast teaching on generational barriers. Listeners tuned in on-line to catch pastor Nellie’s teaching on breaking generational barriers aired live on the Pearl Radio morning show on February 26 2024. The airwaves were abuzz between 8.00am-10.00am […]
Deliverance at Nairobi Baptist Women’s ministry

ON 10th February 2024, BBI under the leadership of pastor Nellie had the privilege to fellowship with Nairobi Baptist’s Angaza Women’s Ministry. The meeting was very well attended with over a hundred ladies from the Baptist church attending the session from 9.00am-3.45pm and majority stayed to the end. This was unlike recent previous physical meetings […]