SALVATION is the greatest gift given to humanity through the finished work of Jesus Christ. It is the assurance of eternal life with God, granted to all who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. While many believers are seeking deliverance
BBI ministry team led by pastor Nellie was invited at the launch of Men Awake, a ministry seeking to create a safe space for men’s emotional healing and spiritual re-birth. Pastor Nellie was part of a three-bench panel at the PBB Temple in Nairobi on
NINETY per cent of believers seeking counselling have a financial problem. They struggle and are in lack, sometimes the problems appear to worsen after prayer. God’s children can suffer financial hindrances that make them doubt if God really does love them and even cause them
EVERY believer is called as a full-time deliverance minister. There are three reasons why demons submit during prayer and are cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of