SALVATION is the greatest gift given to humanity through the finished work of Jesus Christ. It is the assurance of eternal life with God, granted to all who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. While many believers are seeking deliverance
WE thank God for keeping us throughout the year. We thank Him for His faithfulness to us, our families, BBI ministry and the nation of Kenya. We thank God for everything He has enabled us to accomplish this far. We are thanking Him for the
WHY does Satan attack our children so mercilessly seeking to destroy them as early as possible with all manner of attacks right from the womb? By seeking to destroy the “protective walls” around our children as early as possible Satan attempts to thwart God’s primary
WHEN curses are overtaking you, it means they get to your destination way ahead of you and will be there waiting for you to arrive! Curses come about because of disobedience. Deuteronomy 28:15. However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do
EVERY believer is called as a full-time deliverance minister. There are three reasons why demons submit during prayer and are cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of