CURSES give Satan and his demons the legal right to harass and afflict our lives. We know that evil spirits are not generally free to attack or inhabit people at will or without a reason. They are like vultures observed flying around a carcass, attracted
A CURSE create unpleasant contradictions of God’s goodness and can place one in a position where no change is desired, even though you are a Christian! It can make one to doubt if what God promises us in the Bible about living victoriously is actually
WHY does Satan attack our children so mercilessly seeking to destroy them as early as possible with all manner of attacks right from the womb? By seeking to destroy the “protective walls” around our children as early as possible Satan attempts to thwart God’s primary
WITCHCRAFT involves invoking evil spirits using spells to harm, manipulate an outcome or a circumstance. Anyone involved in witchcraft is an employee of the devil. In this post, we at a look at five people who are likely to cast spells or use witchcraft on