PASTOR Nellie’s new book, Access the Throne-room of God-Pray with Power and Authority, is an answered prayer probably to thousands of believers who have been frustrated times and again with no visible changes to their tough situations.
“We see them frequent miracle services, join prayer lines Sunday after Sunday with no visible changes to their tough situations does not take very long before they become discouraged and cynical towards the promises in the Bible, and become harsh towards God. Their confusion is that God does not answer prayer!” the author writes.
According to Pastor Nellie the problem lies in seeing God with “tinted glasses” that only shape wrong opinion of who God is and what He has set out as prerequisites to answered prayer.
Did you know that God is more interested in answering your prayer than you are eager to present it him and that to Him prayer is a love relationship?
Again the misconception that God is a caring and benevolent Being and will always answer prayer has been a barrier to answered prayer because the Bible teaches us that God has set forth the conditions that must be met in order for Him to answer prayer.
Correct way to pray
Why does God not give us the mighty things when we pray?
According to the author When we call to God in prayer He “shows” us the great and mighty things. Sometimes these great and mighty things are the correct way to pray, says pastor Nellie. When we pray correctly God always answers, she adds.

Throne-room is an attempt to remove the tinted glasses with which we see God and change the opinions we have formed so that we may approach Him in confidence in prayer and obtain mercy in our hour of need.
One of the areas of misconception in prayer is the lack of understanding of what is already on earth. This is covered in Chapter 2 of the book.
The author says the challenge believers fac is to access the the blessings that are in Christ in the heavenly realm according to Ephesians 1:3. Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Pastor Nellie writes that an understanding of what God already provided on earth through Jesus’ finished work on the cross would make a whole lot of difference in the way we pray.
When we come to God in prayer, we should have an understanding of what we should ask God for and what we should not. There are things that are not in heaven with God and so we should not ask Him for them.
Here are the four things you should not ask God for in prayer:
1.Never ask God for money: The silver and gold God owns are on earth. We should never pray and ask God for money. 2 Corinthians 8:9 tells us that although Jesus was rich, when He came to earth he became poor that we may be rich. We simply thank God and declare that he has already provided it through the poverty of His son.
We thank Him that we already become rich in Christ. Our declaration reminds God of the covenant He made to Abraham. It is a covenant that moves God to give us the ability to create wealth here on earth.

2.Never ask God to heal you: There is no health in heaven! God sent Jesus who is His word and healed us already when He died on the cross. Healing does not come from heaven, it is what Jesus Christ already done. By His wounds I am healed! Health is not to be asked for, but received by faith.
3.Never ask God for faith. He has already given each one of us a measure of faith and we can only grow it here on earth by hearing and continuing to hear the word of God. Faith is crucial to the Christian life-the Bible says without it it is impossible to please God. Everything we will ever need was paid for by Jesus when He died on the cross. When He said, “it is finished,” He did it for us to have everything we need in life.
4.Never ask God for righteousness. There is no righteousness in heaven for God to send us. Unfortunately believers think God will make them righteous by obeying the law., Do you believe in Christ and have faith in Him? If your answer is yes, then you are righteous!

Pastor Nellie says Jesus was sent on earth to bring these four things as mentioned through His death on the cross. He then ascended to the Father and is seated with Him at the right hand. He is not going to come to do for us what he already did- to bring prosperity, health, faith and righteousness. This means we should never ask God for them.
The book has 13 chapters including the last chapter where the author sheds light on the gift of tongues – whether it is for everybody or a select few.
This book is a promise to changing your approach to and add good value to your prayer life. it will help you pray with knowledge and adding with your faith you are bound to harvest great reward from your labour of prayer.
The author closes each chapter with a powerful prayer and declarations on the topic discussed.
Throne-room is available for purchase on Amazon. You may also call us on +254 716 703508 to grab your copy.
Pastor Nellie has written 11 other books in the spiritual Warfare series. She is the founder and the CEO of Breaking Barriers International (BBI), a teaching ministry on Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance.
She is a conference speaker and a workshop leader, having taught in many countries in Africa, the United States, the United Kingdom, Asia and Eastern Europe.
She has authored twelve books including;- Breaking Invisible Barriers, Breaking Financial Curses, and Step into the Supernatural among others. All her books are available on Amazon.