BBI Tala mission: Pastors get delivered

Pastors rededicate their lives to Christ during BBI Tala Mission, Machakos County, Kenya.

WE thank God  for answering our prayers  for the BBI Tala mission on October 28-29 2022 at the Redeemed Gospel Church, Nguluni.

God moved powerfully amid His people and several pastors and church leaders drawn from the 70 branches within Machakos county were delivered and healed.

Pastor Nellie led the BBI Tala mission in partnership with The Well church and was hosted by Rev. Tom Ndeto.

“We have invited our leaders so that they may learn from the teaching on Breaking Invisible Barriers by Pastor Nellie to help them walk in victory,” Ndeto said.

He said three are certain areas where most Christians, including church leadership “do not walk in victory.”

Click this link Do Christians need deliverance? to read a related post on why Christians need deliverance.

BBI Tala mission was unique

The BBI Tala mission was unique as it targeted only pastors and area leadership. Many re-dedicated their lives to Christ after an altar call from Pastor Nellie. She also led deliverance prayers for the pastors.

Pastor Nellie led BBI Tala mission
Pastor Nellie

Click on this link Expect these 4 during spiritual deliverance to read a related post on what you may expect during a deliverance session.

Pastor Nellie taught on Can a Christian have an evil spirit on the first day of the conference and How Our Bloodline Can affect the Quality of Leadership.

BBI Tala Mission team meeting church leaders for spiritual mapping.
BBI Tala Mission team meeting church leaders for spiritual mapping.

“Success in leadership does not only depend on the leaders walk with the Lord, his or her training or calling but also depend on the things that stand in their ways because of the bloodline,” she said.


Pastor Nellie said leaders in the Bible , like Moses had a call of God upon his life, was very close to God but did not accomplish his purposes because two things stood in his way-rejection and anger.

She said such hindrances “come down the generations” and it is worthy of Christian leaders to inquire and deal with the bloodline issues that become generational curses.

Wall of protection

During the BBI Tala mission  participants agreed that a Christian can have an evil spirits because of broken walls of protection.

Click on the link below to read a related post on Christians and demon oppression.

Demon oppression-vs-Demon possession

Pastor Nellie took the participants through the teaching, explaining that a breach in our wall of protection easily allows the serpent, Satan, to deposit his evil spirits in us.

She went to great lengths to explain how personal sin, inheritance, trauma and lack of self control break the protective wall and allow Satan to deposit his spirits in a Christian.

Click on the link below to watch a related teaching by pastor Nellie on breaking invisible barriers.


During the BBI Tala mission pastor Nellie said Satan as described as in 1 Peter 5: 8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour-is looking for openings and  breaches in the wall of protection to attack us with his demons.

BBI at a past event.

Pastor Nellie also explained the tripartite nature of man and how evil spirits inhabit the soul and body.

A human being, she said,  is divided into 3 parts according to 1 Thessalonians 5:23 which says,  May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.

May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor Nellie explained that Christians struggle because of broken walls, inherited family patterns, trauma, and sin.

A lack of understanding and the knowledge on how to deal with these invisible barriers has made the situation worse.

“But we thank God because his people can no longer suffer as He has given us deliverance,” pastor Nellie said.

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