Signs you need deliverance

ARE you struggling with a particular repetitive sin, but just can’t help it? You may not overcome that habit until you tackle it with deliverance!

Is it an addiction to formication, masturbation, pornography, drinking, smoking, stealing, lying…and you have tried countless times to stop and put to an end to it but you still end up going back to it.

All effort you have made to stop is in vain and now you are feeling like giving up?

The deliverance power of God will sort it out. Deliverance not only for yourself, but for your children as well and the generations after you so that it is not passed on like a button!

Click on the link below for a related post on overcoming generational curses.

READ ALSO: Where curses get their strength

Generation to generation: Don’t pass it on

Deliverance may not stop the problem completely unless we confess sin, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, purpose to walk in obedience, gain self-control, “walk according to the spirit and not the flesh“(Galatians 5:16-18) )and are healed of our past emotional trauma.

Done in a Biblical way, deliverance will set you free by casting out the evil spirit which is in control of that area you are struggling with.

Satan assigns demons to enforce and reinforce spiritual bondages in areas where we are vulnerable until authority is taken over them through the delivering power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

He assigns demons to torment you, to make sure you are either wasting your finances, your time, your energy, health and your godly ordained  destiny.

Click the link below for a related post on How to identify spiritual attacks.

How to identify spiritual attacks

These demonic forces have studied you over time and known your points of weakness that they will use again and again to afflict you , and gradually taking over the entire control  and manipulation of  your life.

It is important to know that we have an enemy who is determined to block us from walking in our God given purposes. The enemy will oppose your destiny day and night.

When Satan cannot kill you instantly, he will make you love doing what will gradually finish you off , deceiving you  that you are ‘enjoying’ life while you are actually destroying it.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are engaged in a war with a very wicked kingdom that seeks to ” steal , kill and destroy”

Authority we have in Christ

Though Satan’s kingdom is unseen, its manifestations are visible throughout the world and indeed has increased in the recent past. His mission or ministry is threefold according to John 10:10, The thief comes only to only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it in full. 

Beloved, a thief does not break into an empty house. The thief knows there is something precious in you!

Deliverance is one of the benefits of the cross. It offers us the ability to hold on to what Christ did for us on the cross -The finished work- against the thief and to wage war against the thief from a point of victory.


Through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, He gave us the power to overcome every situation. “For this reason the son of God was made manifest to destroy the evil work of the devil.” 1 John 3:8.

Satan tries to hoodwink us from using the authority we have in Christ. He seeks to bring shame upon our lives such that we cannot reflect the glory and authority we have in Christ.

Genesis 3:7. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realised they were naked ; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. 

The devil seeks to bring separation between us and God by attacking our relationship with the Father.

Genesis 3:8. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord as He was walking in garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees.

We start to avoid church, fellowship, personal quiet time and prayer. We begin to drift away!

Satan also brings fear in our lives. Genesis 3:10. I heard the sound of thee in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid myself  but the word in 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and a sound mind!”

Who we are in Christ

God’s desire is that you may reflect His glory and exercise His authority in all areas of your life as He fills you up with His joy, peace and helps you to walk victoriously.

Luke 10:19. Behold, I have given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and overcome all power of the enemy and nothing will harm you. 

Satan seeks to blocks us from walking in victory and in the purposes of God. For a moment, let us reflect on who we are in Christ and what we are to do in the midst of it all.

Ephesians 4:24. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. 

Corinthians 2:18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord.

We are warned in 1 Peter 5:8 of who our enemy is. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

He goes round looking for a breach, open doors in our lives to penetrate through and cause havoc.

Click How do I know am under a curse? to read  a related post on how to identify a curse.

How do I know am under a curse?

The strategy of overcoming this evil design is to submit to God and resist Satan.

There is no middle ground or no man’s land in spiritual warfare, indeed if you ignore him he gets an easy victory and if you run away he shoots you in the back!

James 4:7 has the antidote-  Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

If you have Jesus and walk in obedience you have the power to fight your battles and win.

READ ALSO: Don’t cast out demons from non-believers

 1 Corinthians 10:13.  No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

1 Peter 5:10. .After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

Romans 16:20. And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Are you heartbroken?

Perhaps you are feeling sad, down and out, feeling hurt, wanting to end your life, not seeing any reason to be happy?

No matter what you are going through in life, it’s not the end of the world yet, don’t kill your joy for anything in this world!

Are you heartbroken, suffering, feeling rejected and neglected, have you lost something, made a great mistake of regret?

Remember Job in the Bible, come to Jesus , He’s the greatest therapy, He will heal you, renew you, comfort you and make you smile again!

Some people have remained in the same spot for years.

They don’t move forward while others are flying high. Even people they thought they were better than or whom they started off with are doing much better than them, yet they have taken all precautions, directions, right(ed) every wrong, but instead it gets worse.

It is because there are spiritual powers opposing your progress!

Click on the link below for a post on How invisible powers pull believers back.

How invisible barriers block believers

Deliverance is the kingdom of God overpowering the kingdom of darkness in a person life or situation. Jesus says in Mathew 12:28. If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you

Many Christians are today captives of the kingdom of darkness but remain unaware due to either rejecting knowledge about the power of deliverance, or their own unrepented sins.

Even the after-effects of unhealed childhood trauma and the spell of inherited mistakes made in their genealogies through covenants that provoked curses from God can keep one under bondage.

Exodus 20:3-5. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.

When caught up, they make vain efforts trying to better their condition through fervent prayer(s), fasting, tithing, Bible reading, going for kesha (overnight prayers), but nothing seems to change!

Click on the link below for a related post on how curses affect Christians.

Curses touch Christians and non-Christians alike

It is a spiritual battle that intensifies and they end up looking for solutions where there are none. They even start to blame God!

Counterfeit dreams

The Good-news is that  no matter how stubborn your problem is, if it is brought under the power of  the delivering blood of Jesus, you will experience freedom!

Have you been experiencing repetitive nightmares and demonic dreams that leave you afraid, shaken and moved into a zone of insecurity?

Such dreams can represent your spiritual state or reveal a source of trauma that you have not dealt with. God can use dreams  to show us things He wants us to know or warn us of.

Demons will also use counterfeit dreams to deceive us and shake our faith. Dreams can also originate from our own experiences and the sub-conscious mind while we are in the state of sleep.

Dreams that leave us in a state of fear are demonic and need to be cancelled while the ones influenced by the Holy spirit and leave in a state of calm and victory are to be claimed.

Do your dreams make you wake-up in the middle of the night in fear? Do you hear voices, see dark shadows or feel evil presence in your sleep?

Are you pressed down by an entity while you sleep? Are you sexually violated in the dream? Do you dream and forget?

Do you dream of never getting to your desired destination?

Do you dream of different animals attacking you, watching or chasing you, do you always dream of dead relatives which are actually masquerading familiar spirits or eating and drinking in the dream?

Always pay attention to your dreams. You need deliverance if any of these demonic dreams keep appearing to you.

Some people experience failure at the edge of breakthrough. Are you always being promised things but they fail to materialise?

Perhaps you have been called for a job interview and you were successfully interviewed, indeed you qualified but the job was given to someone else who is not even as qualified as you are!

Deliverance is needed

Someone has all the wedding preparations and all of a sudden , out of the blue you see one of them cancelling it at the eleventh hour ?

Click on the link below for  related post on deliverance.

Deliverance breaks invisible barriers

Do you see others thriving in opportunities easily gotten but for you it is an uphill struggle or you are about to be promoted at work but that is when they suddenly find fault with you?

Or you are preparing for a program  which holds a key to your destiny, deliverance, healing or breakthrough and out of the blue something urgent pops up that needs your attention and prevents you from going?

You burnt and spent all your night reading and properly prepared for an exam, but as you sit for the exam you forget everything you have read all of a sudden.

All these are examples of cases where deliverance is needed!

Taken to Mt Pisgah

An example of someone who experienced failure-at-the-edge-of-breakthrough in the Bible is Moses. He was taken to Mt Pisgah and shown the promised land but he could not enter! His impatience and anger, inherited from his ancestors cost him dearly!

Deliverance is needed when you start to see repetitive family patterns. What do you see common among your siblings, uncles, aunties from both sides of your family tree?

Click on the link below for a related post on why Christians need deliverance.

Do Christians need deliverance?

In some families or a community, people don’t live past a certain age or girls get pregnant out of wedlock or their first children especially the male children are usually useless, vagabond or die early.

Do you see a particular sickness which is common in your family line?

It has been transferred from generation to generation and if you this chain is not broken through deliverance, it may be transferred to your own children and your descendants.

Our forefathers made covenants with demons  in their quest and greed for power, protection and wealth that allowed dark forces to stalk us, presently, with evil and claim to have a legal access over the generations.

Lamentations 5:7 says, “ our forefathers sinned and are no more. And we bear their punishment.”

The good news is that this too, can be brought under the delivering power of the blood of Jesus and be broken once and for all.

Isaiah 61:1.The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners

    June 8, 2024

    Pray for me I been having nightmares even though I sin and don't sin I been repenting and reading the Bible and worshipping Jesus

        July 22, 2024

        Praying. If you need further help please feel free to contact us

        January 16, 2025

        I need deliverance from demonic dreams.

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