SALVATION is the greatest gift given to humanity through the finished work of Jesus Christ. It is the assurance of eternal life with God, granted to all who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. While many believers are seeking deliverance
CURSES give Satan and his demons the legal right to harass and afflict our lives. We know that evil spirits are not generally free to attack or inhabit people at will or without a reason. They are like vultures observed flying around a carcass, attracted
BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie made a compelling appearance on a popular local radio show during a live broadcast teaching on generational barriers. Listeners tuned in on-line to catch pastor Nellie’s teaching on breaking generational barriers aired live on the Pearl Radio morning show
NINETY per cent of believers seeking counselling have a financial problem. They struggle and are in lack, sometimes the problems appear to worsen after prayer. God’s children can suffer financial hindrances that make them doubt if God really does love them and even cause them
A CURSE is a word uttered by a bitter person because of perceived injustice and has supernatural power to harm a person or a place. Curses can come because of our own sin, sins of our forefathers, sins of a nation or a community. They
A CURSE create unpleasant contradictions of God’s goodness and can place one in a position where no change is desired, even though you are a Christian! It can make one to doubt if what God promises us in the Bible about living victoriously is actually
GOD’s penalty for the sin of idolatry is that the children of parents found guilty will bear the brunt to the third and fourth generation. He says for this sin, He will send curses as punishment for His children and their children’s children. Deuteronomy 28:15.
WHEN curses are overtaking you, it means they get to your destination way ahead of you and will be there waiting for you to arrive! Curses come about because of disobedience. Deuteronomy 28:15. However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do
INVISIBLE barriers block believers to the extent when the world looks at us, it does not see a reflection of the abundance the Bible promises. Our children get sick the same way their children get sick, our houses are locked up for rent arrears the
DELIVERANCE helps Christians in identifying and removing the invisible barriers that have blocked many believers today from living fulfilling lives and walking in their purposes. The removal of these invisible barriers that seem to plague many Christians of good standing is what spiritual deliverance is