SALVATION is the greatest gift given to humanity through the finished work of Jesus Christ. It is the assurance of eternal life with God, granted to all who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. While many believers are seeking deliverance
MANY people experience deliverance only to find themselves relapsing into old habits or even worse conditions. Perhaps, you know of a loved one who is incapable of staying free. Their deliverance never lasted! Why is this ? The reason of their failure in staying free
A CURSE is a word uttered by a bitter person because of perceived injustice and has supernatural power to harm a person or a place. Curses can come because of our own sin, sins of our forefathers, sins of a nation or a community. They
DO you feel you are blocked by invisible barriers that keep you from going forward? If yes, then seek help and be prayed for so you can be set free. Deliverance will help you live victoriously by identifying and removing the invisible barriers that hinder