ONE of the secret weapons of Satan is the mis-belief that he can control or force people into sin. You have heard the statement many times-the Devil made me do it! Can Satan and his cohorts make you do anything? No, they cannot! The enemy
BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie made a compelling appearance on a popular local radio show during a live broadcast teaching on generational barriers. Listeners tuned in on-line to catch pastor Nellie’s teaching on breaking generational barriers aired live on the Pearl Radio morning show
WHEN curses are overtaking you, it means they get to your destination way ahead of you and will be there waiting for you to arrive! Curses come about because of disobedience. Deuteronomy 28:15. However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do
EVERY believer is called as a full-time deliverance minister. There are three reasons why demons submit during prayer and are cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of
DELIVERANCE helps Christians in identifying and removing the invisible barriers that have blocked many believers today from living fulfilling lives and walking in their purposes. The removal of these invisible barriers that seem to plague many Christians of good standing is what spiritual deliverance is