SEVENTEEN Kajiado pastors are the latest recipients of Pastor Nellie’s all time transformative spiritual warfare book– Breaking Invisible Barriers: The Power of the Cross.
The book that has helped many believers to learn about spiritual warfare and understand why you may live a constant life of struggle and seem to fight an “invisible barrier.
This barrier stops you from manifesting what the word of God has promised.
It is available for Ksh 1,000 at BBI Apex Court No. 10 office on Ngong Rd and can also be purchased on Amazon.

Pastor Nellie says many Christians today are living a life of constant struggle and failure no matter what they do to try and improve their lot in life.
Click on this link to read a related post. BBI Tala mission: Pastors get delivered.
“They are fighting something they do not understand, it is as if something invisible comes and blocks their progress just before they reach their goal,” says the author, pastor Nellie.
Seventeen pastors attended BBI teaching on Breaking Invisible Barriers at Glory Tabernacle church in Inkinye, Kajiado, Kenya.
Generational curses
“We saw it fit to invite BBI to get to hear the message of deliverance,” pastor Joshua ole Mosiany said. He said it was important because pastors are the ones at the frontline in spreading the message of the gospel.
“We made sure a number of pastors in and around the community attended,” ole Mosiany who hosted BBI said.
Pastor Johnson Lesiamo of Jesus Is Able Deliverance Ministries (JIADEM) said the teaching on generational curses and how to break them impacted him positively.
Click on this link to read a related post. When curses overtake you.
“It has also challenged me to preach the gospel with a new perspective,” he said. Lesiamo said apart from learning, he was also set free. “I now understand why it is important even for us pastors to get deliverance before going into ministry,” he said.
Pastor Mosiany who has read Breaking Invisible Barriers: The Power of the Cross recommends the book to every believer who wants to walk in victory by identifying the invisible barriers in their lives and how to overcome them.
Breaking Invisible Barriers : The Power of the Cross delves into resolving the paradox that “invisible barriers” seem to touch both Christians and non-Christians alike.
Click on this link to read a post on Pastor Nellie’s new book. New book on life’s abundance out.
“This invisible barrier is called a curse,” pastor Nellie explains.
Curses bring shame, embarrassment, frustration and mockery. God never intended for any of His children to live under a curse, that is why He sent His Son to become a curse for us.
“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us ”(Galatians 3:13). It is possible to break this invisible barrier through the power of the Cross of Calvary!” the author says.
Pastor Nellie taught on Invisible barriers and lead prayers of deliverance.