PASTOR Nellie’s new book on living life in abundance is the latest release in the Spiritual Warfare series.
Aptly titled Live The Abundant Life it is an easy read spanning 91 pages that are parked with thought provoking Biblical realities concerning the inherent human need of excelling and prospering in life.

Pastor Nellie is the founder and CEO of Breaking Barriers International (BBI), a non-profit organisation whose mission is to equip believers in Jesus Christ to live victoriously and fulfil their God-given purpose.
She has adhered to this mission through her regular teachings on spiritual warfare and deliverance and her deep revelation on the word of God is taught with clarity and simplicity.

Besides being the author of eight other books in the Spiritual Warfare series, she is also a conference speaker, preacher of the word and workshop leader in many countries in Africa, Europe, USA and Asia.
The abundance book underscores the fact that God created the need to excel in all humans so that He would fulfil it.
Click on the link below to read a related post on misplaced ideas about prosperity.
It states that the fulfilment of this need gives God great joy to provide His children not only with material abundance but also “good health, a sound mind and peace.”
Abundance in the treasures of this world
He does not want His children to be anxious about anything, the author says.
According to the author, abundance in the treasures of this world is temporary and transient and will never bring a person real joy neither will poverty or lack!
Pastor Nellie writes that when Jesus taught His disciples to pray, one of the requests was that God’s will be done on earth as it is heaven.
When one thinks of heaven, we think of it as a place of abundance- a place where there is absolutely no lack.
The author reaffirms that God wants His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven thus believers in Christ “must be a reflection of who God is, what He owns and what He is able to do!
What a life of abundance looks like
The book’s emphasis is on the need for Christians to reign on earth as movers, shakers and decision makers. It explores what a life of abundance looks like and how the believer in Jesus Christ can access it.
The author also helps readers understand the barriers that can stand in the way of abundance and prevent the manifestation in our lives and explains how to overcome them.
Live the Abundant Life states that believers in Christ are not ordinary people but have the life of Christ in them.

The spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in us (Romans 8:11) and thus we should bring abundance, as we carry His glory, everywhere we go as the “salt and light” of this world.
Live the Abundant Life is a thought-provoking and timely exploration of the areas where people should exude abundance – mental health, physical health, free from curses and free from poverty.
With Pastor Nellie masterful anecdotal storytelling and vivid depiction of supportive Bible verses, the book is sure to be a powerful and impactful read.
It also has powerful prayers centered on abundance at the end of each chapter.
The book is available for sale at Ksh1,000 at BBI offices Apex Court on Ngong Rd. Nairobi, Kenya.