GOD does not just want to see fruit but much fruit, BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie has said.
She said in the process of bearing this much fruit, there is pruning which involves the removal of everything that may impede the harvest.
Pastor Nellie said the theme for 2024 is; Bearing fruit for national transformation.
“In the last 12 years, God has continued to prune us so that we can bear much fruit. We are blessed to be a branch in His vineyard. Each time He has pruned us, I have known that He wants us to bear much more fruit,” pastor Nellie said.
She spoke during BBI Word for the year held on Zoom on January 17 2024.

Pastor Nellie said in 2022 God did a major pruning by stopping the teachings at Homecare, one-on-one sessions and the monthly Zoom conferences.
“Both cutting off branches and pruning are painful processes,” she said.
Pastor Nellie said the year also saw many people step down from key positions in the ministry.
Much fruit seen in 2023
Much fruit was seen in 2023 , when BBI started group sessions for men, women and children. New people also took up key positions.
In 2023, 132 men came for two deliverance sessions each, 318 women were ministered to in the same way, as well as 53 children (aged 6-9 years).
A total of 503 children of God had their lives transformed through deliverance sessions as was evidenced by their testimonies of victory that we continue to receive.
Click on the link below for a related post on BBI 2023 ministry year review. BBI 2023 ministry year in review.
Prophetic word
Pastor Nellie thanked “all the people who gave financially to the ministry of BBI” whom she said God used to help BBI offer all the deliverance sessions free of charge.
She said BBI 2024 theme of national transformation is a prophetic word that was released in 2022.
“The Lord told us as a ministry that He was going to use us to bring national transformation. Interestingly He was giving us a three-year window,” she said.
Pastor Nellie said she believes that the people whose lives were transformed in 2023 are bringing national transformation wherever the Lord has planted them.

She said the early church brought about national transformation and was even accused of “turning the world upside down” and were brought much fruit as they were pruned through persecution (Acts 17:6).
Pastor Nellie said the early church bore much fruit because they were devoted to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer according to Acts 2:42 and that the results were that the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:47).
Click on the link below for a related post on bearing much fruit. 2023 is year of harvest, says CEO.
BBI in 2024 will continue with teaching on topics on spiritual warfare and deliverance on Zoom once a month, Training classes, Hurt to Heart-to build the body of Christ spiritually emotionally, psychologically and physically, once every month.
There will ne teachings during joint breakfast session drawing both men and women who have gone through the group deliverance sessions.
Breaking of bread will be every Friday and every worship night. BBI members fast every 7 days one every month.
Diaspora outreach
People outside Nairobi and the country who are not able to physically come to Apex Court for group deliverance will be ministered to through Zoom.
“In our last diaspora group deliverance on Zoom we had 53 people,” pastor Nellie said. “With the need for deliverance growing we want to maximise on this platform to make BBI a global ministry,” she added.

One of the most powerful testimonies from 2023 was from a person who was delivered on a zoom diaspora session involving a Tonsils that was coughed out and had afflicted the person for years and existed in their family through generations.
As the work-the vineyard- to bear much fruit becomes bigger so is the need for more labourers.
Pastor Nellie called on volunteers to support the varies departments in the ministry including Teaching, Training and Discipleship, Intercession, Praise and Worship, Communication and Media, Outreach and Hospitality. Family outreach and Administration.
Financial support from partners
Pastor Nellie said BBI depends on financial support from partners.
“Our group session for men , women and children re given free and we would want tp continue not to charge but that will be impossible without partners.
BBI is a non-profit and solely depends on financial support from partners.

“Please consider becoming a partner. We have different categories depending on how much a person is able to give. So far the Lord has been very faithful and I would like to thank those who are already BBI partners and everyone who would want to partner with us, please contact us through our administrator,” she said.
BBI is a registered as a society wit the Government of Kenya (GoK). One of the requirements is that we have a list of paid up members.
The membership fee is only Ksh200 a month.
Only paid members can vote at the AGM.
“A lot of people call themselves BBI members but have not registered. When you are a member of a ministry, the blessing and favour over that ministry will overflow to you,” pastor Nellie said.
What a great word and comprehensive presentation.?