Kajiado : Traditions keep communities bound

BBI mission team. Kajiado pastors got a gift of books.

CULTURAL traditions that keep communities in bondage can be exposed and overcome by the use of the word of God BBI chairman Dan ole Shani says.

He said many African cultural traditional practices are passed down as buttons of  bondage through the generations.

The chairman was speaking at Glory Tabernacle Church in Inkinye, when he accompanied the BBI mission team to Kajiado, Kenya.

“Jesus saved me when I was only 14-years old. I knew him because of my late father who was among the first members of our community to receive the gospel. He would read the bible to us and teach us how to pray,” the BBI chairman said while sharing his testimony.

Traditions that contradict the word

He said African traditions that contradict the word of  God only serve to keep communities in bondage and prevent people from fulfilling their godly purposes.

The BBI chairman said there are churches also that  do not accept women to teach as a tradition.

He said such traditions are unacceptable and go against the word of God in Joel 2:28 which says,  And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.

According to the chairman, “God has already ordained women for the important work of spreading the gospel message through the anointing of the Holy spirit.”

He said he has “personally” been delivered through the teachings on Breaking Invisible Barriers by pastor Nellie.

“I am now a Christian who is able to walk in victory,” he testified.

The chairman said he is aware that in his community, the Maasai, cultural traditions are responsible for  keeping people spiritually bound.

“The word of God helps to cast light on traditions that keep us in bondage and Jesus sets us free,” he said.

The chairman thanked the Glory Tabernacle church for inviting BBI to teach the word of God on how Christians can overcome such bondages and live victoriously.

BBI team to Kajiado included pastor Nellie, Georgiana Sande, Maureen Mushira, Lilian Ongwen, Agnes Odero and pastor Roy Agoya.

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