BBI new strategy for ministry

Pastor Nellie leads a group deliverance session at BBI office in Nairobi,Kenya

BBI founder and CEO, Pastor Nellie Shani, has shared on changes that are coming to the ministry  including group sessions for both men and women.

The CEO said every living organism is dynamic, changes and grows.

Pastor Nellie was addressing BBI members and partners in Nairobi, Kenya, when she unveiled the new strategy for the ministry.

She said BBI “was born in God’s heart at the foundation of the world.”

“He involved me in what he was already doing in His heart in 1989 when He started  to teach me about spiritual warfare and deliverance,” she said.

Pastor Nellie said God started to use her to set His people free in 1993 while she lived in Zambia and continued to Mauritania for three years, Senegal for seven and a half years where she started teaching at the Missionary Women’s annual conference. Then later to the United States for 4 years.

“All this time I was doing One-on-One deliverance,” she said.

BBI follows God

Pastor Nellie said while she was in the US, God sent her to Ghana in 2008 to teach at a Children in Christ conference.

She explained that the ministry started way before God gave it expression through an organisation called Breaking Barriers International (BBI). She said BBI was founded to join God in what He was already doing.

The CEO said God does not follow BBI to bless its ministry but instead BBI follows God where He is going.

“When God stops, BBI stops. When He starts to move again, BBI starts to follow. Even if the organisation closes down, the ministry will continue,” she said.

Changes coming to structure

Pastor Nellie said  BBI’s vision and  mission will never change although “the execution of strategy may change.”

“Our motto is to break bondages and empower people to be all that God wants them to be and walk in their God given purposes,” she explained.

She said BBI’s goal is to see a generation of believers in Christ who are walking in victory in every area of their lives-business, marriage, ministry, family relationships and health, and, “believers who do not run from one man and woman of God to another asking for prayer, but believers who know their authority in Christ.”

“Christians who realise that He who is in them is greater than he who is in the world, and who know that Satan and his cohorts are under  their feet!” she added.

Pastor Nellie said in the future BBI will mainly focus on “carrying our message to more countries and other counties in Kenya.”

She said: Mathew 28:19 tells us “to go and make disciples of all nations.”

“In Mark chapter 1, we see Jesus doing great ministry in Capernaum. His disciples tried to keep him there to continue ministry because people needed him there but he told them in verse 8- Let us go somewhere else, to the nearby villages, so I can preach there also. That is why I have come,” she added.

Ministry on the go

BBI is a ministry on the “go” and we cannot stay in one place if we are going to make disciples of all nations, pastor Nellie, said adding that God has challenged the ministry in Psalm1:8 to “ask Him for nations. “

“He says He will make nations our inheritance,” she said.

Things that have changed include-Facebook LiveZoom ConferencesHome Care meetingsOne-on-Ones and Trainings. Things staying the same are Worship Nights and One-on-One sessions for men.

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