Men’s ministry taking the leap

BBI men ministry members

IS it hard for men to live a holy life, submitting to God in ministry, resisting temptation and being the fierce lions they are supposed to be?

Many men, especially Christian men struggle alone with guilt and shame, fear, insecurities, burn-outs coming from the burdens associated with areas of captivity in their individual lives where they are still not experiencing victory.

What makes the problem worse is that rather than lead them to church or fellowship, their struggles push them further away!

Every man has their unique challenges, but all men need spiritual nourishment, growth and vitality.

Unfortunately, most churches place minimal focus on developing men saying it is just too hard. This has resulted in far too many great and successful women’s ministries all over the world at the expense of the men’s ministry which is more often than not  “work in progress.”

This is where BBI has stepped in and created a safe and supportive environment for Christian men who have undergone deliverance to grow in their faith, while addressing the unique challenges and overcoming the pressures they face while maintaining their deliverance.

BBI school of ministry  has opened its doors and is  inviting men (and women) for training and equipping workers in spiritual warfare and the ministry of deliverance.

Click on this link to register in our school of ministry.

Raising sons for national transformation

“Men need to learn to see themselves through the lens of leadership and ministry and take up their rightful mantles. You are not an ordinary man in this nation,” BBI CEO and founder pastor Nellie Shani said during men’s breakfast in 2023.

She said BBI intends to raise sons  in the nation of Kenya in line with the national transformation theme, “which starts with restoration of the priesthood.”

Pastor Nellie said that for the past 10 years men were not coming for ministry but God has done a new thing and now men are opening up to be ministered to and trained for ministry.

In 2023 BBI took 132 men through deliverance. Only three men enrolled for training last year among 17 trainees.

Click on the link below to read BBI 2023 year in review.

BBI 2023 ministry year in review

There are many hypotheses on “the gender gap” that attempt to shed light on why men, who are the front-liners are absent and few in church and taking up roles in ministry.

Click on this link for a report on BBI School of Ministry training report for 2023. Cohort 1 Level 1 Training Report Summary

One theory is that church teachings, emphasizing surrender, holiness, and introspection, are seen by some men as “weak” or somehow less than masculine.

Another theory is that churches, knowingly or unknowingly, create a feminine atmosphere with their décor. Floral arrangements, pastel colors, frilly curtains, and pictures of passive, pastoral scenes make for a peaceful ambiance, but they tend to make men feel a disconnect!

Yet another explanation has to do with the stereotypical masculine ego. Men are naturally self-reliant, headstrong, and proud, the theory goes, and are therefore naturally more resistant to the divine call to humility and submission.

The gospel confronts our need, and men are often averse to admitting neediness.

There are other hypotheses, such as upbringing. Nobody taught the men! Most men were reared by fathers who did not attend church services and so have no role model for masculine involvement in a church and minsitry.

Then there is the suggestion that men, the traditional breadwinners, are too busy working—or enjoying their day off work—to commit to a church fellowship.

There might be a grain of truth in each of these theories, but none of them fully explain the gender gap in the churches.

For instance, one cannot forfeit his freedom for the reason that the music played in church is boring and for that then, most likely there is a deeper problem.

Every man is called into ministry

Many men assume that leadership and ministry is only for those who are called into vocational ministry. Or, they assume that leadership is only open to people with a certain level of formal training or education.

Click on the link below to watch a video on the importance of men ministry in deliverance.

Paul teaches in Ephesians 4 that every member is called into the ministry, and this includes every man!

“But in order to live out that call, men need to be able to hear and discern the call,” pastor Nellie said.

She said men need to be empowered with tools to help them identify their unique potential. “Both men and women need tools to help them discover their divine design,” she said.

Pastor Nellie  said men are designed to be forerunners and “to subdue” but the goal of the enemy is to disable their faith, derail their spiritual walk, attack their physical bodies, mind emotions and will, and even their finances.

BBI Women's ministry
The first group of women who turned up for deliverance in 2024.

She said the enemy seeks  to make men limp emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially so they come through as “spineless” against against the agents and powers of darkness.

There is a master plan especially against men from Lucifer to take over their bodies,  minds, wills and emotions and  turn them into temples of darkness.

Pastor Nellie said  Christian men like many other people suffer an identity crisis compounded by the fact that “even the world is now fighting to rebrand us.”

She said men are God’s workmanship pre- programmed to do goodness according to Ephesians 2:10. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Our father’s failed us

She said many of our fathers failed us because they did not tell us who we are. Like John the Baptist whose father failed him by not telling him who he was and therefore did not know his greatness, ending up dying a shameful death!

“Jesus has already given us authority to help ourselves, what are you waiting for God to do for you, you have authority and power” she said.

God’s desire, pastor Nellie said, is that men should run the race and finish it to win the prize (Phil. 3:14).

It is critical for men to show up, be involved, encourage one another , and set an example for their children, pastor Nellie said.

When fathers fail to be present, terrible consequences follow.

According to various studies, fatherless households generally lead to higher rates of infant mortality, suicide, teen pregnancy, behavioral problems, and criminal acts by children.

Click on the link below to read a related post where we discuss why God is interested in successful marriages.

9 reasons why marriage should succeed

Manhood mantle

Statistics show that the father’s or a man’s spiritual discipline(s) on average have a greater impact on children than the mother’s spiritual leadership.

A study has suggested that if a father does not regularly attend church, only 1 in 50 of his children will stay in church (even if the mother regularly attends).

Additionally, where a father is first to become a Christian, there is a 93% probability everyone else in the household will follow (compared to a 17% probability when the mother is first to become a Christian).

BBI men's ministry
Men pose for a photo after a group deliverance session at Apex Court, Nairobi, Kenya.

The mantle of manhood is a high calling. It’s more than just showing up—it’s about being intentional, supportive, loving, and not shying away from instruction and discipline. It’s constantly being on guard to provide the greatest example to your children and the next generation.

Eph 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.

BBI men’s support ministry  has established a community where men can openly express their struggles, seek guidance  and find encouragement, knowing they are not alone on their journey.

Through biblically-based teachings, group discussions and personal testimonies, we strive to help men develop a deeper relationship with God, strengthen their character, and equip them with practical tools to navigate life, stand against temptations , endure trial and win.

Our ultimate goal is to help men to live out their calling as godly men, husbands, fathers, and leaders in their respective spheres of influence.

In this space men learn to hold each other accountable in living a godly and morally upright life. It has provided a platform where men can openly share their joys, struggles, and burdens, providing felling safe to be vulnerable and receiving empathy  and emotional support from fellow believers.

BBI School of Ministry faculty members from left: Maureen Kuyoh, Prof. Agnes Odero, Pastor Nellie Shani, Irene Mbithe (Director of Training), Dr. Jane Awiti, Lilian Angwenyi, Roy Agoya and Eddy Ouma.
BBI School of Ministry faculty members from left: Maureen Kuyoh, Prof. Agnes Odero, Pastor Nellie Shani, Irene Mbithe (Director of Training), Dr. Jane Awiti, Lilian Angwenyi, Roy Agoya and Eddy Ouma.

BBI men’s ministry liaises with Men of Purpose (MoP) to promote healthy relationships with their spouses, children, family members, friends, and others, encouraging men to prioritize their role as godly husbands, fathers, and mentors, while fostering unity and harmony within their families and communities.

During our meetings professionals offer practical guidance and advice on topics relevant to men’s lives, including career, finances, sex, health, marriage, parenting, and other areas where support and biblical wisdom can be beneficial.

We encourage the men to go to church and offer their gifts.

To foster a sense of brotherhood, camaraderie, and genuine friendships among men, providing opportunities for social interaction, recreation, and shared experiences through men’s retreats, sports and physical activities.

Regular meetings for the men’s ministry are held both virtually on Zoom and physically at BBI Apex Court No.10 and include;

Four group deliverance sessions in a month,  Weekly Prayer meetings on Zoom, Monthly Worship-night and  Men’s Breakfast once a month.

School of ministry

Previously, BBI has responded to the changes that students face in cohort classes in the school of ministry which manifested in low enrolment and forced two postponements for lack of quorum, more so a glaring lack of enrolment and participation by men.

Click on the link below to read a related post on BBI change of  strategy.

BBI new strategy for ministry

The curriculum has since been revised with the introduction of three levels of training.

Level 1 training will be a physical class held at BBI offices at Apex Court, Ngong Rd. Nairobi, Kenya.

BBI founder and CEO Pastor Nellie Shani (R) and School of Ministry director Irene Mbithe.
BBI founder and CEO Pastor Nellie Shani (R) and School of Ministry director Irene Mbithe.

The cohort meets for training on February 10, 17 and 24 from 8.00pm.

Level 1 is an introductory course that covers: The Believer’s war, Who is the enemy, Spiritual warfare, The Believers victory, Demonic Access- Spiritual walls, Gates and Doors.

At the end the trainee is expected to appreciate a personal strategy for victorious living and be able to teach others.

Trainees who want to be deliverance ministers are expected to advance to the next two levels of training at the school of ministry in the subsequent quarters.

The course fee is KES 7,500 inclusive of training materials -participants guidebook and Stand Your Ground Volume 1 by Pastor Nellie.

You can make you payment using the details below and share the M-pesa code in the registration form. Click here to register

 Pay bill: 261061

 Account :Training

Pray that men will develop a love relationship with God, walk with God, in the Fear of the Lord , become men of God and to experience His love, develop mental, physical and spiritual skills and character to succeed in life.

Ask the Lord to speak to the men again, and give them a life changing word for their specific circumstances

And we should pray that God would increase the number of men who recognize their God-given responsibilities and who are unafraid to commit their talents and service to a local church.

For further queries you can contact us on +254 716703508.

Registration for training is on going. Click on this link to register:

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