Q: Please introduce yourself and tell us more about BBI School of Ministry course load, how you have performed..?
A: My name is Irene Mbithe, I am in charge of the BBI School of Ministry. I lead the trainers in developing, testing and, rolling out deliverance training. We do all this through the Holy Spirit who equips, guides us, and accelerates the process. Holy Spirit helped us develop Level 1 Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Training in a record 3 weeks!
Since September 2023 we have trained 29 students in Level 1. Level 1 sets a solid biblical foundation for deliverance. We are currently moving all our training on-line.
We are currently developing Level 2 and Level 3 that will take the students deeper and equip them to be deliverance ministers in their spheres of influence.
ALSO READ: Dawn of a new season as BBI migrates.
Q: What do you want to achieve with the next level cohort at BBI School of Ministry?
A: BBI’s vision is to see every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ set free from the invisible barriers that prevent them from fulfilling their purposes and achieving their potential.
Our mission is to equip every believer in Jesus Christ to live victoriously and fulfill their purposes in the world through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
All our trainings are aligned with our mission and vision. Our students go through deliverance first to break all invisible barriers before registering for the training.
It is amazing to see the level of freedom that they receive as they understand who they are in Christ and start walking in their identity and authority. They take up a ‘David versus Goliath’ attitude. The resulting transformation is phenomenal.

Q: What do you consider as the main challenges facing deliverance ministry training schools and how do you plan to address them?
A: Many ministries shy away from the topic of deliverance. Deliverance ministry is pertinent for every believer. The early church ensured that every new believer went through deliverance before baptism. Unfortunately, that has been lost over the years.
The good news is that the church is embracing deliverance now more than before.
The main challenge is unconscious incompetence. Many people don’t know about deliverance. They struggle with invisible barriers without any hope or reprieve.
Fear is also a factor. Believers think that if they don’t talk about the devil, he will leave them alone. That is a lie! In John 10:10, Jesus tells us what the enemy is up to, but he came so that we could have life in abundance. We have an enemy and he prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Satan is real and he hates believers. The good news is that Jesus overcame Satan on the cross of Calvary.
We plan to address these challenges by equipping and empowering believers. We are a resource for the kingdom of God, ready to share and learn from others.
Q: What sets BBI school of ministry apart in the deliverance ministry training?

A: BBI School Ministry is based on the teachings of the founder and CEO Pastor Nellie Shani. Pastor Nellie has a strong biblical foundation, having been mentored by the Navigators Ministry. BBI School of Ministry trainings are Holy Spirit-inspired, based solely on the Bible. The trainings are based on the Bible, not human opinions. The word of God is the basis for the trainings.
Q: What are your top priorities at the school?
A: We only move in the direction of the Holy Spirit. Our top priority is to keep in line with our vision and mission according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Q: Tell us about a difficult situation you overcame recently concerning the delivery of courses?
A: We had planned to run Level 1, cohort 3 in February 2024 but we had to delay the class to March due to the number of registered participants. We realized that we needed to allocate more time for participants to register. We are trusting God for more trainers. The harvest is great but the labourers are few.
Q: What are your long-term goals?
A: We plan to make the training available to all of God’s children all over the world. We want to ensure that a believer in Antarctica, Pakistan, Alaska, Japan, Mauritania – name it – can access the training and be transformed.
Q: What would be the one thing you would like to see done differently in training in deliverance generally?
A: The myth that deliverance is for the chosen few. Jesus told his disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons – Matthew 10:8. This is what we are called to do. Jesus has given us power and authority, we need to become believing believers, walk in our identity in Christ, and do greater things, as he told us we would.
ALSO READ; Don’t cast out demons from non-believers.
Q: How has your previous experience prepared you for what you are doing now?

A: Wow! When I look back, I am amazed at how God prepared me for such a time as this. I got saved about 10 years ago. Salvation transformed my life! I read the Bible and realized that I had been duped. I was disappointed by how we had limited God in our churches. I desired to see the God who parted the Red Sea in operation today! I started seeking.
I am a voracious reader and learner. God graciously guided my steps to experience deliverance in 2015 through a BBI member and then to study through different ministries. I hold a Global Awakening College Of Ministry practitioner certification for physical healing, emotional healing, and deliverance. I am working towards the master equippers certification. I am currently enrolled in the Global Supernatural Discipleship (GSD) course, a 6 months course that equips believers to disciple nations.
Before serving at BBI I worked in co-operate for more than 19 years. I am a trained Aerospace Engineer.
Q: How will you measure your success at BBI School of Ministry?
A: Success is seeing believers understand who they are in Christ Jesus, living in an intimate relationship with God as they victoriously walk in their purpose doing great exploits for the kingdom of God, the father who loves them and that they love.
Q: What is the latest skill you learnt, and why did you choose it?
Emotional healing, through a ministry called Connect Up. There is a great need for emotional healing. We have all suffered wounds. We need to learn how to take our pain to Jesus, our savior. Inner healing and deliverance complement each other.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share which has not been asked?
A: I want to honour Pastor Nellie Shani, the founder and CEO of BBI for obeying the call of God and for creating a platform where believers can learn and fellowship.
I want to honor the BBI School of Ministry faculty and trainers, for their commitment to serve, learn and teach. I want to honour the students who have courageously taken the challenge to go deeper in the things of God. Above all I thank God, it is a great privilege to serve in his kingdom.