Dawn of a new season as BBI migrates

BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie Shani.. She has authored the book on abundance.

THE book of Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time and a season for everything.

Ecclesiastes 3:1. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie Shani has announced the changes coming to BBI in the new season. She was addressing BBI members during the worship night held on March 22 2024.

“BBI is standing at the door of a new season as we grow and expand,” she said.

Pastor Nellie said as founder of the ministry and as everyone else who has been blessed through BBI, “we give testimony of God’s faithfulness for the last seven years when we operated our ministry from our Apex Court offices.”

“The need for our ministry in the body of Christ has grown exponentially,” she said.

Click on the link below for a related post.

BBI 2024: Bearing much fruit

Group deliverance clinics

Pastor Nellie said that for BBI to cater to the needs of more people in the new season, “we are fully migrating our ministry on-line.”

“All our teachings, counselling and deliverance sessions will be fully operational through our Zoom platforms from the end of April,” she explained.

The CEO said that as it is expected by this change, BBI moves out of Apex Court at the end of April 2024.

“We have already started diaspora group deliverance clinics. This past week, we had an attendance of 67 people. It was an encouragement that God is moving us in the right direction,” she said.

Pastor Nellie has asked BBI members to pray for the new season.

“Please pray with us as we go through the logistics of managing this new season and as we grow and expand,” she said.

Pastor Nellie thanked BBI members for their support over the years, recognizing and honouring those who had relinquished office posts but remained actively involved in participating and plugging into BBI programmes.

“We have had many committed servants of God who have stood with me and we have co-laboured as we carried the Lord’s burden together, ” she said.

BBI is a non-profit Christian organisation whose mission is to equip believers in Jesus Christ to live victoriously and fulfil their God -given purposes and destiny through teaching, training in spiritual warfare and deliverance.

Pastor Nellie is a conference speaker and a workshop leader, having taught in many countries in Africa, the United States, the United Kingdom, Asia and Eastern Europe. She has lived in Zambia, Mauritania, Senegal and the US.

Referrals by friends and relatives

She has authored twelve books in the Spiritual Warfare series including– Breaking Invisible Barrier-the Power of the Cross, Breaking Financial Curses, Can Witchcraft Affect A Christian, Step into the Supernatural, Live the Abundant Life among others.

BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie (R) with BBI Chairman Dan ole Shani
BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie (R) with BBI Chairman Dan ole Shani

“All our morning prayer meetings will go on uninterrupted, there will be teachings as well on zoom,” pastor Nellie said of the new season.

Several BBI members testified how the ministry has impacted their lives positively. They said they came to know BBI through referrals by friends and relatives.

BBI was founded 13 years ago and majors in the area of deliverance. BBI offers ministry to men and women with support groups that meet twice a month after being taken through group sessions.

Read also: Men’s ministry taking the leap.

In a separate interview Pastor Nellie has been quoted that she was inspired to found BBI after seeing “patterns of failure not only in my family line but also in the family lines of Christians around me.”

Children of God set free

For twenty years as she moved with her family from Kenya to Zambia, to Mauritania, to Senegal, to the US and then to the UK, the Holy Spirit was teaching her in spiritual warfare and deliverance.

While abroad she started receiving invitations to teach at workshops and conferences. Since then she has been involved in teaching and ministering deliverance around the world.

Click on the link below to read a related post on BBI ministry.

BBI 2023 ministry year in review

The first meeting before BBI was formally registered took place at her residence in Nairobi, Kenya, but later as the numbers grew a hall was hired.

One of the first of these meetings took place in October 2011 at Home Care Spiritual Fellowship Centre. “We had no name, we were just a group of people who wanted to see the children of God set free,” says pastor Nellie in the recorded interview.

ALSO READ: BBI at Men Awake launch.

    Grace Hephzibah
    March 23, 2024

    I am a work in progress—the transformation and renewal of my mind—and I am well equipped as a soldier of Christ Jesus. Completely healed and delivered through BBl.
    1 John 2:27 
    But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.

    Even when I accept change, transition is still hard😓
    BBl was my second home. It was a quiet place full of God's love, peace, and presence.
    It will take me some time to heal, accept, adjust, and advance. All things work for good for all those who love the Lord.
    I'm trying to come to terms with the new season. I will miss the physical seasons, worship nights, fellowships, deep HUGS, our well-cooked African tea, etc. We thank God for the many lives that have been and will continue to be transformed through BBl globally. May God continue to bless the founder, Pastor Nellie Shani.

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