ONE of the secret weapons of Satan is the mis-belief that he can control or force people into sin. You have heard the statement many times-the Devil made me do it! Can Satan and his cohorts make you do anything? No, they cannot! The enemy
MANY people experience deliverance only to find themselves relapsing into old habits or even worse conditions. Perhaps, you know of a loved one who is incapable of staying free. Their deliverance never lasted! Why is this ? The reason of their failure in staying free
AS we start 2025, I pray that you would shed off the “garment” that you wore last year. For some, that garment came with victory and goodwill. However, the biggest enemy of your victory this coming year, is clinging to the victory of 2024. Let
IN a significant move toward enhancing its mission and expanding its operations, BBI has unveiled a bold vision called the BBI Solomon Project which aims for the purchase of a building in Nairobi, Kenya. BBI has continued to be pillar in the ministry of deliverance
A SEASON has ended and a new one is starting. In the new season BBI migrates completely to an on-line ministry. “We have seen a need to migrate completely to an online platform. We will resume monthly teachings on Zoom and also conduct all our
PASTOR Nellie’s new book, Access the Throne-room of God-Pray with Power and Authority, is an answered prayer probably to thousands of believers who have been frustrated times and again with no visible changes to their tough situations. “We see them frequent miracle services, join prayer
THE book of Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time and a season for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie Shani has announced the changes coming to
ON 10th February 2024, BBI under the leadership of pastor Nellie had the privilege to fellowship with Nairobi Baptist’s Angaza Women’s Ministry. The meeting was very well attended with over a hundred ladies from the Baptist church attending the session from 9.00am-3.45pm and majority stayed
GOD does not just want to see fruit but much fruit, BBI founder and CEO pastor Nellie has said. She said in the process of bearing this much fruit, there is pruning which involves the removal of everything that may impede the harvest. Pastor Nellie
WE thank God for keeping us throughout the year. We thank Him for His faithfulness to us, our families, BBI ministry and the nation of Kenya. We thank God for everything He has enabled us to accomplish this far. We are thanking Him for the