Why our children need deliverance

new book BBI

PASTOR Nellie’s new book Setting Our Children Free underscores the need for spiritual deliverance for all children.

The book argues that children are affected right from conception thus deliverance is necessary for their well-being and spiritual freedom.

The author says children are part of God’s grand plan to establish his rulership on earth and that in order to understand why our children need deliverance, we must first understand that gods mission-to let humans rule on earth as He rules in heaven.

How was God going to do this?


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He created Adam and Eve and blessed them to have children.

The author says God’s plan has always been that His kingdom and rulership be brought to the earth through children- children born in the image and likeness of God.

Our children are born rebellious

Pastor Nellie poses with one of her books : Altars also available in the Spiritual warfare series.
Pastor Nellie poses with one of her books  Altars, also available in the Spiritual warfare series.

Malachi 2 :15. Has not the one God made you? You belong to him in body and spirit. And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful to the wife of your youth.


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Unfortunately, our children are born “disobedient and rebellious” because of “the fall,” the author writes.

She writes that when Adam and Eve rebelled against God and  were kicked out of the garden of Eden they did not leave in the image and likeness of God, but in a fallen  nature and that fallen state, they brought forth children.

We are told because of Adam, sin “has come to all people.”

Romans 5:12. Therefore just as sin. Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—

Children who were going to be brought forth through Adam and Eve were completely different from the children that God had originally planned.

Setting our Children Free
The book provides valuable insights for those called into the Children’s ministry as well as for parents and guardians.

The book emphasizes the idea that  our children are vulnerable to spiritual attacks and influences.

Pastor Nellie presents biblical references and anecdotes to explain how children can be affected by demonic forces.

She advocates for early spiritual intervention and suggests that recognizing and addressing spiritual issues in children can prevent long-term negative consequences in their lives.

Levels for delivering  our children

Chapter 3 of Setting our Children Free is dedicated to your role as a parent.  The author says God needs you to help your child accomplish and live out the blue print of their lives.

It stresses the importance of parents being spiritually aware and equipped to protect and guide their children to where God intends them to be.

The book outlines various levels for delivering children from spiritual bondage. These include Truth Encounter –where the word of God is used to demolish the lies of the enemy. According to the author, this does not work with children.

Setting our Children Free
This book will equip you for the task God has given you as parent(s) or guardian of  little children.

The second level is Power Encounter-where the evil spirits are cast out by the blood of the Lamb and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Every born again parent has the God given authority to cast out evil spirits from their children,” pastor Nellie writes.

She provides details when power encounters are necessary for parents to take their children through deliverance.

The third is the rod or Disciplinary Encounters. It is when the rod is used instead of the word of God of casting out of demon spirits.

A compelling read

Pastor Nellie has included testimonies and anecdotes from her years of experience in the deliverance ministry to illustrate the effectiveness of deliverance for children thus giving the reader real-life evidence of the positive impact of this much ignored aspect of children’s ministry.

The book is comprehensive in its approach and provides, a spiritual basis for the need for deliverance in children.

The use of testimonies adds a personal and practical touch to this important topic.


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Pastor Nellie’s book is the latest in the Spiritual Warfare Series Volume 12. Her passionate writing style conveys her deep conviction and experience in the frontline ministry of deliverance.

Setting Our Children Free is a compelling read for those interested in the spiritual well-being of their children.

The  book serves as a guide for parents and spiritual leaders who believe in the necessity of addressing spiritual issues in children.

It provides valuable insights for those  called to the Children’s ministry as well as to parents and guardians who are passionate to see their children under their care, set free to become who God created them to be.

Pastor Nellie is founder and CEO of Breaking Barriers International (BBI). She has authored 11 books and is a conference speaker and workshop leader, she has  taught and trained believers in Africa, USA, UK, India, Russia, Comoros Islands and Eastern Europe.

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